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In this series, I engage with the manipulation of fine tissue paper treated with acrylic binder and paint through a specific, experimental approach. This treatment transforms the physical properties of the paper, giving it a tactile quality that is both transparent and rubbery. The tension applied to the stretcher frame creates a visual and tactile experience that transcends conventional notions of image carriers, thus contributing to the stimulation of discourse.

The trapezoidal shape of my works and the specific suspension – positioned about 15 cm from the wall – promote a three-dimensional interaction between the artwork and the viewer. This spatial arrangement explores the concept of perception and how it is influenced by changes in viewpoint. The source of my inspiration lies in nature, particularly in the moods of the sky and landscape, which can be observed against the backdrop of light and atmosphere.

The use of transparent image surfaces allows for the phenomenon of light refraction and reflection to take center stage, unfolding divergent emotions and impressions depending on the viewer's angle and lighting. In this way, the viewer is invited to immerse themselves in the pictorial atmospheres, similar to experiences in nature.

My goal is to explore the boundaries between painting, object, and installation, establishing a dialogical relationship between the artwork and the viewer. While traditional painting and photography are confined to two-dimensional representations, my works offer the possibility of opening up additional dimensions and spaces for interpretation. They serve as an interface where the visual and tactile experiences merge, inviting reflection on the relationship between art, reality, and perception.

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untitled (elbe river, august)
untitled (elbe river, september)
untitled (north sea, february)
untitled (morning, february)
untitled (morning, may)
untitled (evening, july)
untitled (evening, april)
untitled (tent, july)
untitled (yellow hour, june)
untitled (reflections, october)

© Christopher Ernst, Photos: PLAY


2021 – 2024
transparent paper
acrylic paint

Contact for further info.